Wednesday, September 9, 2009

clean teeth=higher satisfaction levels of water ?

So my friend has an interesting hypothesis about drinking water and teeth. (and when I say friend I don't mean me)

She contends that people with cleaner teeth enjoy drinking water more than dirty teeth people and as a result, drink more water.


This all started with a conversation about dehydration and how/why we can't seem to get enough water in our pie holes.

I advocated a trick I used back in the day to increase my water intake. Buy packages of bottled water and leave them in your car, by your bed, in the kitchen, at your desk, etc.
Convenience is key!
After I got used to drinking a lot of water it was like a desert in my mouth (and belly) if I didn't have it and eventually I bought a water cooler for my house/home office. Now I drink approx. 60 ounces of water every day. I can't say I drink less because of dirty teeth.

What is the science behind water and our ability, nay, our desire, to consume what we really need each day?

I posed the question. Now it's your turn to provide feedback!

Also, I will be on vaca (not to be mistaken with stay-ca) this weekend so pickins will be slim on my blogging. Unless it rains in South Padre Island and I have more time indoors, plugged in that anticipated. 40% chance of could happen. :)

Thirsty anyone?

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